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Writer's pictureGary Hardy

The Working Man and/or Women

Labor Day

What is it and why is it celebrated?

Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American

workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century. Labor Day is traditionally the un-official end to summer. Kind of ironic that it is also the holiday that celebrates us working folk. On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, holding the first Labor Day parade in U.S. history.

Our team works hard each and every day. They deserve the long weekend and time with their family and friends. Enjoy this working folk holiday friends!

Team Building

Do you take the time to get to know your co-workers? Do you go on company outings with them or company parties? Here at Brunner's we believe in the power of a strong team. We believe that with out a strong team our core values would be non-existent. Why you ask? Without those relationships you wouldn't know that you could count on your team or crew to pick up the slack when you are down, or to trust them

to take care of business when on a property.

Our team and their families took to the baseball field on Friday Aug 5, 2022. We watched the Dragons play ball while our families enjoyed each other's company. And of course no baseball game is complete without a stadium dog and some popcorn. The Dragons played Peoria and lost 3-6. It was great to catch a game with our team before the season ended.

Kayaking, canoeing, rafting have you been? Our team loves these kinds of activities. So much so that we had another team outing on August 7, and it was a blast. The laughter and the conversation that wouldn't other wise happen on the job site was great to witness. The smiles and the laughter just good to see.

September Rock Star!

Our Rock star for the month for September is Larry. Larry is the original Brunner! He is where Brunner's get's it name. Larry is basically the backbone of Brunner's he is our guy that will fill in when we need it, no matter where it's at, well, as long as, it's out in the field. He is our guy that will

run our team mowers, blowers, trimmers, if one breaks down. He is also our part picker-uper. Larry is the guy that changes the blades on our mowers, cleans underneath them to remove the caked on grass from the days work, and get's the trailers set for the next day. Truly making it a breeze for the guys to hop in trucks and pull out of the lot. He truly is a rock star!

Larry has been married to his beautiful bride for 44 years. They have 2 sons who are both married and numerous grandchildren. Larry comes in each day with a smile on his face and old filled Gatorade bottle with his Turmeric drink for the evening. Larry, thank you for all you continue to do for Brunners. We are fortunate to have someone like you in house daily.

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