What the Heck! I'm sure you have seen the price of fuel. If you are like us, the sticker shock when we fill up our personal cars is astonishing. But, it's the current times that we are living in. Which brings me to company fuel charges. We have seen those for sometime now
especially on your trash bill and I am sure a few others as well. Fuel surcharges tend make individuals look else where for a service that is provided by a company. We have gone round and round about adding one or not to add one. See, we have this motto " We treat our clients and team with Integrity, Dependability and Respect. We are a small company that is trying to make it in corporate America, and yet we still can't bring ourselves to add a fuel surcharge right now.
We value our clients and want to be as transparent as possible, if fuel prices get to the point where they are over $5 a gallon, it will be an idea that we will actually have to entertain. But until then, (let hope that doesn't happen) it's a no for Brunner's!
Keep in mind that when you renew your contract at the end of the year, you may see a price increase due to inflation that is out of our control. As always we will work with you the best we can.
Spring Time Yard Clean up - Watch for those Spring Babies!
Are you doing spring cleanup in your yard?
Take a moment and watch for signs of Spring babies before you trim and mow!
Squirrel nests (called dreys) look like clusters of leaves and sticks, so if you see this in one of your trees, leave those branches in place!
Dreys can end up in all sorts of places, like a child's playhouse and garden sheds.
Bunny nests look like dead patches in your yard or shallow depressions in garden beds. Before you mow or dig, gently examine spots like this so you don't disturb any growing babies.
Need some advice about a squirrel or bunny nest that you've found? Give Tiny Wonders Wildlife a call 513-409-1331.
Top 5 Spring Time Flowering/Garden Tips
Spring Inspections
It's time to inspect, while you were inside all Winter it is time to find out what was going on outside. Check for damage to plants from snow, ice and cold temperatures. Get ready to clean out those beds. Hard Scape elements - is your fence rotting or it is bowed or folded? Check of animals that have burrowed.
2. Address those Hardscaping Issues First
The ground isn't quit ready to be worked yet, so now is a good time to work on those hardscape projects. This is the time to repair damaged retaining walls, level out your stepping stones, clean out your gutters, and fix fences, benches, decks, sheds, trellises, window boxes and raised beds. These tasks are easier to accomplish while your plants are still resting safely dormant. Early Spring is also a good time to build those raised garden and widen existing ones.
3. Thorough Spring Cleanup
Ideally just before your spring bulbs start to pop up, clean the plant debris out of your garden beds. This includes fallen branches, matted down leaves, last year’s perennial foliage, ornamental grasses and perennial hibiscus, and any annuals you didn’t remove last fall. You always want to have good hygiene in your garden beds it keeps away pest and disease. While you are out there cleaning the garden beds, don't forget to clean out the water feature that you may have. Also scrub and sterilize your bird bath before you put it back out.
4. Test Your Soil
Experts recommend testing your garden soil every 3-5 years to see what nutrients or organic materials it needs and which it has too much of.
5. Feed Your Soil
Now that you know what is in your soil and what it needs, it is time to feed it. Chat with someone at your local garden center about which specific products to use. Make sure to follow the instructions on the back of the package. A good general practice is to top-dress the soil with an inch or two compost, humus and/or manure in early spring just before your bulbs are starting to emerge. Slow release plant food is a good idea as well. Earthworms and other garden creatures will work those materials down in the soil for you.
We hope these tips get you started on Spring yard cleanup and being aware of those little creatures that are burrowing in your yard.
April Rock Stars of The Month
Team Member Rock Star for April
It's always an amazing feeling when you are the newest "kid" on the team and your co-workers have amazing things to say about you. Our team member Rock Star is Nick Stager. Nick has been with us for just a few weeks, I literally mean that. He started with us in March 14, 2022.
When the team leaders voted for Nick, they told me that he doesn't like to be stagnant, he is constantly searching for more to do and looking ahead to the next task of the day. He takes direction well and does everything he can to make sure he is doing the job right. He has shown that he wants to be here, as well as, showing commitment to our company and our policies. He has mentioned how much he loves the environment. In short, he is reliable, capable and easy to get along with. What more can you ask for in our newest employee!
Nick graduated from Miamisburg High School in 2020. He love the outdoors, obviously working outside. But in his free time he likes to golf, fish and ride motorcycles.
Nick, congratulations on earning Rock Star of the month, already! Keep up the great work. We are excited to see you grow with Brunner's.
Admin Rock Star for APRIL
Back in March we started doing two Rockstar's each month. In order to showcase everyone on our team.
After the month that this guy has had with equipment, it was no surprise that he was nominated. He has taken on a new division of our company that was started this year by storm! Meeting with vendors and doing what he does best, taking charge! Bryan took all of the test to earn his certifications and did it joyfully. This Rockstar is no stranger to the West Carrollton community. Bryan is a huge part of the community! He runs the food pantry in town, he is apart of WC Operation Share Christmas, and still finds time to be a Scout leader. Bryan is married to his beautiful bride, Heather and they have two kiddos!
Congratulations, Bryan!